As a registered charity and member of Rape Crisis (England and Wales) we run the national Rape Crisis Helpline, as well as providing specialised counselling, support and independent advocacy for women who have experienced sexual violence both recently and/or in the past.
Our helpline also provides information, referrals and short term support to family, friends and partners of survivors. Open 24/7 every day of the year.
One Text, One Donation, One More Survivor Supported.

Text the number 70070 with SLRC11 followed by an amount you wish to donate (for example, £2/£5/£10). Your donation will be charged on your next phone bill.
Your donation provides critical support for survivors of sexual violence.
Or donate via JustGiving and encourage others to join you.

Pay by Check
For anonymous donations to pay a cheque into our account, you can either pay into an HSBC branch or by post to P.O. Box 383, Croydon CR9 2AW. Our bank details are:
CAF Bank Ltd. 25 Kings Hill Avenue. Kings Hill. West Malling. Kent. ME19 4JQ
Sort Code 40-52-40. Account: 00013161. Account Name: Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre
If you would like to find out how to support us further please contact or phone 0208 683 3311.
Thank You!